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Here are some really easy ways to always look polished no matter what you’re wearing, where you are, and the occasion. You don’t have to wear tons of expensive clothes, purchase a whole new wardrobe, or even wear anything extravagantly printed. It’s all a matter of mindset, keeping it simple, and being yourself.

Keep It Streamlined

I know that sounds so cliché, but style always comes from the inside. Our society is used to people peacocking to stand out in the pecking order. Yes, so many clinical studies have shown that women dress for other women to create a weird pecking order to match with a mate.

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Same goes for men shipping other guys. What the studies resulted in showed how people push attractive males and females together no matter if they want the attractive subjects for themselves. My personal theory is that humans want the best for the human race to live on no matter the circumstances, which makes tons of sense.

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That’s one of the reasons why so many people take the most outrageous trends and peacock their way through life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but finding happiness in yourself first, before screaming to everyone by way of your outfit who you are is best when it comes first.

Dressing won’t feel like you need to spend so much on a certain style of clothing, and your character can shine through whatever you choose to don. I’m so happy

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I finally made this post, because it’s been a long time coming. I love creating informative content where women work with what they already have and get inspired from within. This comes before putting on a stylish garment. It’s to send a message to ourselves that what we have is already great.

Shop Sleek Silhouettes

Can’t afford to purchase something I recommend in a video? That’s okay. Find something in your closet you already have that is similar. Let’s get resourceful here. I’m not here to tell you what to buy, just to inspire you to feel your best by taking action when it comes to your appearance.

Style With Simplicity

When we see ourselves in a better position in life, taking care of ourselves first, others instantly recognize that. Be yourself first. Don’t care what anybody says. Always look polished, and don’t give people an excuse to look for something to pick at you about.

Don’t be tied down to one person’s idea of what cool is, trends, or how you feel about your clothes. Just wear what makes you feel beautiful!

Thank you so much for taking time to read the end of this post. I hope you find some inspiration in this and feel free to share with your friends as a free way to help my blog grow. Your support is endlessly appreciated. 

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